+62812 7965 3805 info@kerinciparadise.com

Jetz Hikers

Founder & Operational Director


Much of the quality of our trips and the way we go about things here at Kerinci Paradise is owed to the attention to detail that Jetz applies in her role as Founder and Operation Director for Kerinci Paradise and in overseeing the administration and planning that our team does for each trip.

An active outdoors person, when not on the trip he’s off paragliding, photographing, camping, and trekking.

Jetz is a certified Mountain Guide and tour consultant and has led and undertaken many Mount Kerinci trips at least 250x reached Mount Kerinci summit. He has guided many teams successfully to the summits. He’s cheerful, friendly, strong, and folksy and inspires our trekkers with her passion and compassion.

Open chat
With Jetz here...
Warmest greeting...